Thursday, March 13, 2014

What if...

Imagine you had to leave your house in a rush and could never return, what three books would you pick off the bookshelf to pack in your suitcase? Remember, you're in a hurry!

I'd pick:

1. Gone With The Wind, by Margaret Mitchell - I've never read this book but have always meant to. I enjoyed the movie so I have a feeling I will like the book even more. I have a 1961 copy that I picked up free at a garage sale. I love old books!

2. The Rescue, by Nicholas Sparks - I've read this book several times and could easily occupy my time reading it again and again!

3. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, by J.K. Rowling - I haven't read any of the books from this series but I hear they're sort of a big deal and maybe my boys would enjoy hearing the story?

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