
I'm interested in reviewing your book! All genres are welcome. Published or self-published accepted.

If you would like me to post an official review of your book on The Reader Board as well as email you a digital version, please contact me at:


I have a Bachelor's Degree in Communications with an emphasis on Journalism and a minor in English from Washington State University.

I worked at a weekly newspaper as a full-time staff writer for five years and then as a regular freelancer for about four years.

My writing experience includes local, national and international news, feature articles and a few editorial pieces. I've covered arts & entertainment, business and even a few sports stories. I've written more author, artist and community features than I can count!

At the paper, I was responsible for taking most of my own photos and enjoy photography immensely from that experience.

Lately, my focus has shifted more on my family but I still enjoy writing poetry and short stories when I have time. I dream of writing a best seller adult fiction novel someday. In the mean time, I am attending school full time and pursuing a second career in Nursing.

And, of course, I'm an avid reader of anything and everything I can get my hands on!

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