Sunday, March 9, 2014

Reading suggestions

One of The Reader Board's followers, Kaylee, has some book recommendations to share!

"The Boys in the Boat by Daniel James Brown was great! It was a mix of history and early U of W rowing. Part of the story takes place in Sequim, Wash., because the main character spent some of his early days growing up there. The main character had no money and no family support so each year he had significant struggles earning enough money to be able to put himself through one more year of school. There was also a fair amount of suspense and excitement when it came time to race time and rowing. I really enjoyed this book and the characters that were developed as the story unfolded."

"The Midwife of Hope River by Patricia Harman was a surprising gem of a book that I picked up off the library staff picks shelf at the library this past fall. It was a wonderful story about a woman who delivers babies out in the middle of nowhere. She has no formal training, no phone and no car so people come to her, without any warning, begging her to come help deliver a loved one's baby. Sometimes she is paid for her services but mostly she is given a bag of potatoes or a jug of milk. This was a very good book that kept me reading!"

Thank you, Kaylee! I know I will be checking out these books soon.

Also, make sure you visit Kaylee's art blog called Mixed Media Magic. It's very inspirational!

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