Wednesday, February 26, 2014

A little bit about me

Let's get to know each other better!

Here are 10 things you might not know about me... Don't worry, none of its too heavy!

1 - I obsessively Google/Facebook/Twitter/Instagram stalk celebrities before I watch a movie they're starring in. I like to know every nitty gritty detail about them before I push play. Height, weight, childhood, romantic interests, scandals... nothing is sacred.

2 - Sometimes I hide in the other room when I eat a candy bar so I don't have to share with my children. If they catch me and ask what I'm eating I stuff the wrapper in my pocket and lie. Yes, I know this is wrong.

3 - I LOVE playing games. Board games, word games, puzzles, etc. I'm a fabulous loser but a terrible winner. This is why my husband adamantly refuses to play games with me. Ever. I'm trying to learn to be a more graceful winner. You know, to set a better example for my children... Blah, blah, blah.

4 - I desperately want to star on the reality show Survivor. And I truly think I could win. Speaking of which, I do believe the new season starts tonight! Woot, woot!

5 - I love writing poetry but I never share it with anybody.

6 - I sometimes dream I was born hundreds of years ago when people traveled by horseback and rode in horse-drawn carriages. I would love living in a small cabin miles and miles away from town and living off the land. I do, however, enjoy indoor plumbing and advanced medicine so all in all I'm OK with the way things are.

7 - I really, really like supernatural books and television shows about vampires, werewolves and zombies. I don't know why.

8 - My husband and I met on a blind date arranged by two UPS drivers. We like to joke about "What Brown can do for you!" (The UPS drivers were my mother and his regular delivery man)

9 - I average about 5 or 5-1/2 hours of sleep a night. I really need to go to bed earlier but there's so much I want to do and just not enough hours in the day.

10 - I'm a compulsive list maker. Can you tell from this post?

OK, enough about me. Now tell me a few things about you!

Happy Wednesday.

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