Thursday, February 27, 2014

Bronto Eats Meat

Bronto Eats Meat by Peter Maloney and Felicia Zekauskas is one of my children's favorite books. In all honesty, we've probably read it at least 20 times. Maybe more. They've both memorized the words to every page even though it's still well above their reading level.

The story is about a little boy named Billy, his bothersome older sister and a gigantic brontosaurus who learns the meaning of the phrase "watch what you eat" the hard way.

As everybody knows, brontosauruses are herbivores and don't eat meat. Or, at least they're not supposed to! One day, Bronto gets a terrible stomachache and is rushed to the hospital. When the doctor takes an x-ray, it shows Bronto's ribs, his stomach, some trees, and... Billy!

The doctor discusses Bronto's three options for expelling the boy from his stomach. Bronto, with the help of his parents, comes to the decision to drink 100 cans of Slurp-n'-Burp soda to help him throw-up the little boy. He ends up burping and shooting Billy all the way home!

When Billy tells his mother, teacher and friends about his experience, nobody believes him - least of all his bossy older sister. Until... something happens that ultimately changes her mind.

With 32 colorful pages, this wholesome story definitely captures the attention of children.

Highly recommended for boys and girls ages 2-8!

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