I enjoyed Room by Emma Donoghue. I think I would have liked the same book more if it were told from the perspective of the mother rather than the child, or perhaps alternating perspectives. But I did find the narration by a 5-year-old boy entertaining none-the-less.
Because the story is told by a child the writing isn't expected to be exceptional, I don't think, and it wasn't. Every detail and description the book lacked, however, was filled in by my mind which continued to think about the story even when I wasn't reading it. With the amount of kidnapping stories on the news in the last several years, it was easy to imagine this story being true.
The subject is a very serious topic but reading about it through Jack's eyes made it not so scary. It was difficult to read though, imagining a woman and child going through such experiences.
The only thing I was left wondering at the end was why Ma and Jack didn't ever say "I love you" to each other? I found that odd.
All in all, I would recommend this book.
What did the rest of you think?
Next up on The Reader Board:
Orphan Train by Christina Baker Kline